5 Reasons Why Voting is Important

5 Reasons Why Voting is Important

What are your thoughts about voting? For some people, voting is a civic duty to be taken seriously. They take the time to analyze political candidates before choosing who to vote for when election time comes. In contrast, there are people who are not so keen about voting. They’re either too busy, don’t feel like voting, or consider voting as too much of a hassle.

So which one are you? Do you take voting seriously, or do you think it’s not worth your time? In this article, we will talk about why we think voting is important, and why we believe that you should definitely exercise your right as a voter in the next elections.

Here are five good reasons why voting is an important endeavor:

Voting is your right as a Filipino citizen.

Did you know that there are many countries around the world that do not have an electoral system? In other words, the people there don’t really have much choice on who gets to lead them. But here in the Philippines, ordinary citizens have the power to choose… by voting. Voting is your right and privilege, so you shouldn’t waste it by not participating.

Moreover, considering our country’s long and colorful history, let us remember that many people died fighting for our rights, including the right to vote. Besides, even if you don’t vote, others will be voting and making the choice for you anyway… so don’t waste your chance!

Voting enables you to stand up for important issues.

What issues do you care about the most? Whether you are concerned about health, education, employment, transportation, climate change, or all of the above -- voting gives you the opportunity to get involved. By choosing a candidate who is focused on these issues, you can be sure that your vote would not be in vain.

Voting can help determine where your tax money goes.

You pay income tax, value added tax, travel tax, and more… but do you know exactly where the money goes? Collected taxes are used to fund various programs, including infrastructure projects, health care, social services, and more. By voting wisely, you can be sure that your tax money is being spent on worthwhile and important programs.

Every single vote counts.

You might be thinking, “I’m just one person. It wouldn’t make much of a difference whether I vote or not.” Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. Of course, your vote matters! Even a single vote can determine the final outcome of the elections. Besides, remember what we said earlier? If you don’t vote, somebody else is going to make the decision for you.

Voting affects you and your family’s future.

The decision you make today will not just affect you, but your family and future generations, too. After all, elected candidates get to serve in their positions for three to six years, or even more if they get re-elected. Hence, you are giving them the authority to lead, make decisions, and implement programs that would eventually have long-term effects in the community. So bear in mind that you are not only voting for yourself, but also for the next generation.

Some Final Thoughts

Still think voting is not worth your while? Regardless of how you feel about politics and the electoral system, there’s no denying that voting plays and important role in what happens to the community -- and the whole country -- today and in the future. Once again, voting is your right and privilege, every vote counts, and yes… your vote can make a difference!

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