How to prepare for Election Day 2022

How to prepare for Election Day 2022

The Philippine Presidential Elections 2022 is bound to be quite unusual and different as we, as a country, attempt to conduct the elections amidst this raging pandemic. With these changes in mind, we outlined some ways that you can prepare for the 2022 Elections below.

Know who to vote for

You are suggested to spend the time from the finalization of the list of candidates (November 15) to the actual date of elections by getting to know about the candidates. Find out about their platforms, credentials, and qualifications for the position that they are running for.

This way, you have a good grasp of the candidates and their values, so you can make an easy decision of who to vote for. For a more extensive guide on how to choose your political candidates, you may read our voter’s guide article.

Campaign for your political bets

During the period between the finalization of the list of candidates (November 15) to the actual voting itself, you are also suggested to use this time to campaign for your political bets. Join mobilization programs and supporter-led campaigns to encourage more people to vote for your political bet. This is to increase your choice’s chances of winning.

Prepare your vote

The most important thing is to already have your vote prepared. Expect Election Day to have a lot of delays and waiting times, so you will probably be there for a long while. This is of course amplified by the fact that we will be observing health protocols at the voting precincts so only a few voters will be allowed inside the voting rooms at once.

In order to minimize the delays, and lessen the time that you will be spending in your voting precinct, it is best to prepare a list of who you will be voting for already. This can be useful as you can just copy the names from your list so you no longer have to think of who you will be voting for.

List down the candidates that you will be voting for, from the presidential level to the barangay level.

Be COVID-19 protected

Before the day of the elections, make sure that you already have your facemask and alcohol bottle prepared with you. This is to not only keep yourself protected but also to protect the people around you as well.

COMING SOON: Download our App and get to know more about the candidates

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