Millennial’s Viewpoint on the 2022 Elections

Millennial’s Viewpoint on the 2022 Elections

The latest numbers tell us that young Filipinos, who are the Millenials and younger Gen Z generation, make up 52% of the total registered voters so far for the 2022 Elections. That is more than half of the number of registered voters and could very much be the tipping point that decides who will take the seat for the next administration.

It’s important to realize that young Filipinos aren’t necessarily a cohesive voting bloc who will cast a unity vote under just one candidate, similar to how other more cohesive voting blocs work, such as religious-based unity votes. However, there are clear themes and sentiments that are common amongst a number of Millenials and Gen Z voters.

Most of the new voters are from Gen Z, having just turned 18 between the waiting period of the midterm 2019 Elections and this upcoming 2022 Elections. Them, together with the Millenials, are also known as the techie generation, who grew up with computers and the internet and thus are computer savvy.

Because of this, the main platforms where they project their political opinions are on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. And their message is clear. They are already fed up with the current situation and want tangible, change.

These are Filipinos who are at the peak of their lives. And yet, such a peak was ruined due to the mishandling of the pandemic. The Gen Z cannot go to college and live their college life as they continue to study at home. Millennials cannot get the dream marriage of their lives because of COVID restrictions.

They want change for the better. Because Millenials also believe in fact and scientific truth, they are the ones who look at clear evidences, achievements, and track records for the candidates that they would want to vote for. They are less likely to vote based on rather superficial standards such as a popular personality, good looks, or name recognition.

At the time of writing, the ideology of the youth tells us that their votes are going to the Robredo-Pangilinan ticket. This is precedented by the fact that because they no longer want the current situation, they do not want any candidate aligned with the ruling party to be the next candidate.

With Robredo and Pangilinan being very vocal of her opposition against the current administration right from the beginning makes them the perfect choice for young Filipinos.

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