Powers and Duties of a Provincial Governor

Powers and Duties of a Provincial Governor

Every three years, people all over the Philippines vote for a Governor in their respective provinces. Governors are the chief executives of provincial governments, and they can serve up to a maximum of 3 consecutive terms. If they would like to run again, they can let at least one term (i.e. 3 years) pass, before running for re-election.

In this article, we will be focusing on the powers and duties of a Provincial Governor. These include: (a) general supervision over all programs; (b) enforcement of laws and ordinances; (c) generation of resources; and (d) delivery of basic services in the province.

General Supervision Over All Programs

The Provincial Governor exercises general supervision over all the programs, activities, and projects of the provincial government. He/She is also involved in formulating the provincial development plan, as well as in determining the guidelines of municipal policies.

Notably, the Governor is also the one who presents the program of government to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Provincial Council) during the opening of the regular session. With regards to legislation, he/she initiates and proposes legislative measures to the Provincial Council, and ensures that copies of executive orders issued by the President are furnished as soon as possible.

At least once every 6 months, the Governor is tasked to visit the cities and municipalities in his/her province. In cases of calamities and natural disasters, he/she is also expected to carry out emergency measures, while submitting reports about such situations to the Office of the President.

Enforcement of Laws and Ordinances

The Provincial Governor is in charge of enforcing all laws and ordinances in the province. Likewise, he/she oversees the implementation of all approved programs, activities, projects, and services, as well.

>For the proper enforcement and execution of laws and ordinances, the Governor can issue executive orders, as necessary. Together with the National Police Commission, along with the cities and municipalities, he/she is also engaged in formulating the “peace and order” plan of the province.

Speaking of peace and order, to address riots, lawless violence, and rebellion, the Governor coordinates with the appropriate law agencies. This is important so that violators of the law may be apprehended and dealt with accordingly.

Generation of Resources and Revenues

The Governor is responsible for initiating and maximizing the generation of resources and revenues. This includes ensuring that all taxes and revenues are collected. These resources will be used for implementing development plans, programs, and projects in the province.

In addition, the Governor is tasked with preparing and submitting the province’s annual and supplemental budgets to the Provincial Council. He/She also has the authority to issue, suspend, or revoke permits and licenses (e.g. business permits).

Of course, let’s not forget about natural resources. It is the Governor’s duty to safeguard and conserve the land, marine, forest, and mineral resources of the province.

Delivery of Basic Services

In accordance with Section 17 of the Local Government Code, the Governor is mandated to ensure the delivery of basic services -- as well as the provision of public facilities -- to the people of the province. These include health clinics, public markets, waste disposal systems, public parks, water supply systems, road signs, and other essential facilities.

Some Final Thoughts

Without a doubt, the Governor plays a crucial role in the local government. From supervising programs to enforcing laws and providing basic services, he/she is called to oversee not just a single town or city, but an entire province. To learn more about the duties of Governors and other government officials, please visit the official journal of the Republic of the Philippines, the Official Gazette, whose website is at https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/.

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