Voter’s Viewpoint: Where should I stand in the 2022 Elections?

Voter’s Viewpoint: Where should I stand in the 2022 Elections?

As a voter, what should your political orientation be in the upcoming 2022 Elections?

The current political climate is very divided. The popular narrative is “them” vs “us.” Everyone is antagonizing everything, identifying with colors, and rejecting others. In this very confusing political world, where should you be?

The answer is simple.

You should be for the Philippines.

With this mindset, you can choose who to publicly support and vote for.

If you want the Philippines to continue as it is now, then, you should vote for candidates whose plans and allegiances lie with the current administration. If you want the Philippines to change for the better, then, you should choose candidates who have shown their transformational leadership capabilities, whose track record shows that they are capable of turning things around.

For more concrete answers, let’s look at key issues that we are currently facing.

Poor pandemic response

Our kids aren’t still back in school where they should already be living their childhoods. Millions of Filipinos have died, many of them dying without any medical assistance due to the collapse of our healthcare system. This is against the backdrop of billion-pesos worth of corruption scandals from Philhealth and DoH.

A declined economy

Due to the COVID pandemic, the Philippines’ economic situation experienced a huge plunge. Many Filipinos are jobless, hungry, and living under the poverty line. Almost two years later, there are still no concrete changes. The government hasn’t given any additional jobs and the amelioration programs are simply not enough.

China’s presence in the West Philippine Sea

Despite the Philippines winning against China in the tug of war in the West Philippine Sea, this wasn’t really respected by China and it doesn’t help that the government has not made any efforts to enforce or fight for the ruling. This has led to Filipino fishermen being bullied out of our own territories and the destruction of the natural resources in these waters.

Clearly, these key issues are problems faced by the regular Filipino. If you want a better Philippines, choose the candidates who have taken action or have concrete plans in regards to these issues.

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