What does the Factionalization of PDP-Laban mean for the 2022 Elections?

What does the Factionalization of PDP-Laban mean for the 2022 Elections?

Earlier this year, before even the filing of Certificates of Candidacy (CoC) even began, PDP-Laban split into two factions. The other faction recognizes Senator Manny Pacquiao as its standard-bearer; this faction includes the likes of Koko Pimentel. And then, there is the faction led by Department of Energy Secretary Alfonso Cusi, with President Rodrigo Duterte as its chairman.

This factionalization became a public spectacle as Pacquiao, who was previously a known Duterte ally and supporter, began making public criticisms towards the president. Pacquiao not only accused Duterte and his allies of corruption, but in a shocking turn of events, Pacquiao also made pronouncements that Duterte should allow the International Criminal Court’s probe to the alleged human rights violations that happened in the country.

This ultimately led to the two being political rivals, as Pacquiao will face off Duterte’s political son, Bong Go,

What happened with the PDP-Laban factionalization?

It is important to take note that a political party can only field one set of candidates for the national positions. Before the events and substitutions that unfolded in November 2015, there were two sets of candidates that filed under PDP-Laban. There was the Pacquiao-Lapid tandem hailing from the Pimentel faction and then the Dela Rosa-Go tandem from the Cusi faction.

Because two sets of candidates filed their CoCs under the ruling party, Comelec needed to determine which of the two sets of candidates were the rightful and legitimate candidates that were to represent PDP-Laban.

However, because by November 15, Dela Rosa had already withdrawn his CoC and Go had already filed for the Presidency under Pederalismo ng Dugong Dakilang Samahan or PDDS, there is no longer any need for Comelec to determine who the legitimate sets of candidates are for PDP-Laban.

Splitting of the Mindanao vote

Because of the presidential rivalry between Pacquiao and Duterte’s political son, Bong Go, it is expected that the Mindanao vote will be split to some degree. It is worth noting that both Pacquiao and Go are Mindanao natives, Pacquiao hailing from General Santos City and Go coming from the Duterte turf of Davao. A big majority of each of their voter bases comes from Mindanao voters.

Moreover, previous supporters of PDP-Laban and these politicians (Pacquiao, Duterte, and Go) now find themselves choosing between the two presidential candidates. So not only is the Mindanao regional vote splintered but the PDP-Laban supporter base vote is split as well.

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